My Project
Download a BCR file from an arbitrary URL und start the navigation with it

Download a BCR file from an arbitrary URL and start the navigation if the user accepts it via a modal dialog. More...



Detailed Description

Download a BCR file from an arbitrary URL and start the navigation if the user accepts it via a modal dialog.

Currently this will overwrite any existing BCR file with given file name on the device.

Attention: Because the navigator will be started if it is not running when sending an RI-command, the navigator will send back the message RI_ERR_IS_INITIALIZING until the navigator is fully started. After start, the message will be proceeded automatically. Further calls to this function in the above case that the navigator is in startup mode will be discarded.

Sending bundle:

bcrUrl URL to download the BCR file from String
bcrFileName Name of the file without a path String
title Title of the modal dialog String
message Message of the modal dialog String
positiveBtnTxt Text of the positive button (if set a positive button is ) String
negativeBtnTxt Text of the negative button (if set a negative button is shown) String
neutralBtnTxt Text of the neutral button (if set a neutral button is shown) String

Return bundle:

pressedBtn Id of the clicked button (0=negative,1=positive,2=neutral) Integer

Returned error codes:

RI_ERROR_NONE if everything is ok.
RI_ERROR_RI_DISABLED if the Remote Interface service is disabled and/or not licensed.
RI_ERROR_IS_INITIALIZING if the Remote Interface service is not initialized yet.
RI_ERROR_FAILED if the download failed.

RI_ERROR_LONGTIME_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS as long as the PTV Navigator is calculating the route.
RI_ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED if start of navigation isn't allowed in the current application state.

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