My Project
Get the current route trace

Returns the current route trace. More...



Detailed Description

Returns the current route trace.

This function will return the current used route trace. If a route is calculated, but the navigation has not started yet, you will get the complete route trace. If a navigation is in progress, the route trace will start at the beginning of the position of the vehicle on the trace. The trace is returned as a list of WGS84 coordinates. Always two consecutive values of the list represent one coordinate of the trace in the order latitude followed by longitude.

Sending bundle:

OnlyToNextStation Flag whether the trace should end at the next station or at the last station Boolean

Return bundle:

Positions The latitude and longitude ordinates of the route trace DoubleArray

Returned error codes:

RI_ERROR_NONE if everything is ok.
RI_ERROR_RI_DISABLED if the Remote Interface service is disabled and/or not licensed.
RI_ERROR_IS_INITIALIZING if the Remote Interface service is not initialized yet.
RI_ERROR_NO_ROUTE_FOUND if no route trace is currently available.

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