My Project
Allocate space for an external application bar

Allocate space for an external application bar. More...


static final int MSG_RI_SET_EXTAPP_BAR_PARAMS = 2000

Detailed Description

Allocate space for an external application bar.

Allocates space for an external application bar. See the RiExtappBar demo application for implementation details of such an external application bar. If MSG_RI_SET_EXTAPP_BAR_PARAMS is called with a width greater zero we will allocate space at the bottom of all navigator Activies for an external application bar. This external navigation bar has to be drawn by the Service specified with PackageName and ClassName. The Navigator will manage the display of the external application bar by starting and stopping this Service. Send a message with empty PackageName and empty ClassName and Height of Zero to disable the external application bar. The Navigator will persist the parameters of the external application bar in his preferences. So you only have to call MSG_RI_SET_EXTAPP_BAR_PARAMS once.

Sending bundle:



PackageName The package of the external application bar service String
ClassName The complete class name of the external application bar service (including package name) String
Height The height of the external application bar for us to free in the Navigator GUI. int

Returned error codes:

RI_ERROR_NONE if everything is ok.
RI_ERROR_RI_DISABLED if the Remote Interface service is disabled and/or not licensed.
RI_ERROR_IS_INITIALIZING if the Remote Interface service is not initialized yet.
RI_ERROR_FAILED if an error occurred.

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