My Project
Show a modal dialog the next time the user is in the main activity

Show a modal dialog the next time the user is in the main activity. More...


static final int MSG_RI_SHOW_MODAL = 123

Detailed Description

Show a modal dialog the next time the user is in the main activity.

Sending bundle:

Title Title of the modal dialog String
Message Message of the modal dialog String
PositiveText Text of the positive button (if set a positive button is ) String
NegativeText Text of the negative button (if set a negative button is shown) String
NeutralText Text of the neutral button (if set a neutral button is shown) String

Return bundle:

Button Id of the clicked button (0=negative,1=positive,2=neutral) Integer

Returned error codes:

RI_ERROR_NONE if everything is ok.
RI_ERROR_RI_DISABLED if the Remote Interface service is disabled and/or not licensed.
RI_ERROR_IS_INITIALIZING if the Remote Interface service is not initialized yet.

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