PTV Navigator Remote Interface Documentation

Get all stations of the current tour


final int MSG_RI_GET_CURRENT_TOUR = 310

Detailed Description

Get all stations

Gets all stations set in the PTV Navigator. The station list will be returned as a ParcelableArray of Station.

Use the class definitions given in the RITest (with the same package name) for recreating the station list and the position of a station (just copy the files to your project in the correct path that matches the package name in the classes).

The Station and Position classes are used when the compatibility mode was set to true, the position will be returned as mercator coordinates. If the compatibility mode is set to false, the StationG2 and the PositionG2 classes will be used and the position is returned as Latitude/Longitude.
Compatibility mode (MSG_RI_SET_COMPATIBILITY_MODE) set to true:

The station class has the following fields:

name String The name of the station
isFavorite Boolean Not used yet, always set to false
favoriteName String Not used yet, always set to null
image String Not used yet, always set to null
isOffice Boolean Not used yet, always set to false
isHome Boolean Not used yet, always set to false
isVisited Boolean True if station is marked as visited
course Int Not used yet, always set to 0
position Position The position of the station, see Position class later
isSKipped Boolean True if station is marked as skipped
id Int Not used yet, always set to 0
timeToTarget Long Not used yet, always set to 0

The position class has the following fields:

x Int Mercator pos x
y Int Mercator pos y

Returned bundle:



Stations The list of all stations ParcelableArray

Compatibility mode (MSG_RI_SET_COMPATIBILITY_MODE) set to false:

The StationG2 class has the following fields:

name String The name of the station
isFavorite Boolean Not used yet, always set to false
favoriteName String Not used yet, always set to null
image String Not used yet, always set to null
isOffice Boolean Not used yet, always set to false
isHome Boolean Not used yet, always set to false
isVisited Boolean True if station is marked as visited
course Int Not used yet, always set to 0
position Position The position of the station, see Position class later
isSKipped Boolean True if station is marked as skipped
timeToTarget Long Not used yet, always set to 0

The PositionG2 class has the following fields:

x Int Mercator pos x
y Int Mercator pos y

Returned bundle:



Stations The list of all stations ParcelableArray

Returned error codes:

RI_ERROR_NONE if everything is ok.
RI_ERROR_RI_DISABLED if the Remote Interface service is disabled and/or not licensed.
RI_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED if the Remote Interface service is not initialized yet.
RI_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if one parameter is not valid.
RI_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED if the adding is not allowed in the current activity.
RI_ERROR_NO_LICENSE if the navigator has no valid license.

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