PTV Navigator Remote Interface Documentation

Inverse geocode (get the address from a position)


final int MSG_RI_INVGEOCODE = 501

Detailed Description

inverse geocode a given address

Inverse geocode (return town name, street name and so on) from a given mercator or geodecimal position.

Sending bundle

Compatibility mode (MSG_RI_SET_COMPATIBILITY_MODE) set to true:



MercPosX The mercator x position to search an address for int
MercPosY The mercator y position to search an address for int
GeoDezPosX The geodecimal x (longitude) position to search an address for double optional
GeoDezPosY The geodecimal y (latitude) position to search an address for double optional

Compatibility mode (MSG_RI_SET_COMPATIBILITY_MODE) set to false:



Latitude The latitude of the search position int
Longitude The longitude of the search position int

Returned bundle:

Depending on the position, not all fields will return a result.



CC The found country code String
ISO3166a2 The found country code as ISO3166a2 standard String
PostCode The found postcode String
TownName The found town name String
StreetName The found street name String
HNr The found housenumber String

Returned error codes:

RI_ERROR_NONE if everything is ok.
RI_ERROR_RI_DISABLED if the Remote Interface service is disabled and/or not licensed.
RI_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED if the Remote Interface service is not initialized yet.
RI_ERROR_LONGTIME_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS as long as the PTV Navigator is searching the result.
RI_ERROR_NO_RESULT_FOUND if no result was found.
RI_ERROR_NO_LICENSE if the navigator has no valid license.

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