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PTV Navigator Remote Interface


The Remote Interface is a service that lets you interact with the PTV Navigator software. It gives applications the possibility to execute certain functions of the PTV Navigator remotely, like receiving GPS-information, adding stations, setting the vehicle profile or starting a navigation. These functions are described in detail on the following pages.


Please note that the Navigator G2 returns by default results in a compatible mode to the previous Navigator remote interface. We highly recommend for future implementations to deactivate this compatible mode by sending the command 'MSG_RI_SET_COMPATIBILITY_MODE' with the parameter 'CompatibilityMode' set to false. With the compatibility mode set to 'false', the returned result offers more information than the compatible one.

To get started with the service, take a look at the First Steps and the Tutorial page. They contain guides from basic to advanced topics.

The API Reference shows all functions you can call in the PTV Navigator. It gives detailed descriptions of the messages and is the first point to look at if you want to send a certain message to the PTV Navigator.

In the Demos section, you can find infos about our test program, the so called RITest, an Android application which shows how to connect to a running PTV Navigator and send commands to it. It covers all main implementation tasks from getting a connection with the PTV Navigator to examples for every command the PTV Navigator will accept. The sourcecode of this application comes with the PTV Navigator, so take a look at it, if you want to know how a special feature can be implemented.