Message ID for the Request "CreateBuddyTracking":
Write Memory:
RI_CreateBuddyTracking_WriteData(LPARAM id, RI_CCreateBuddyTracking data);
Return Values for CreateBuddyTracking:
RI_NOERROR = create buddy tracking succeeded
RI_NOTFOUND = create buddy tracking not succeeded, no icon found
RI_NOTADDED = create buddy tracking not succeeded, could not create buddy
<h2>Description:</h2>create a buddy tracking icon.<br> The file must be present in the oem-directory of the navigation software and the bitmap filename has to be given without path extensions, e.g. don't use "/truck/oem/car.png" but "car.png".<br>
#include "TNSRemoteInterfaceDll.h"
LPARAM GetUniqueID()
static LPARAM id = 0;
if (++id == 0) ++id;
return id;
inline LRESULT RI_MESSAGE( const UINT request, HWND h_client, LPARAM id )
RI_GetTNS(), request, WPARAM(h_client),
id );
LRESULT CDlgMFC_CreateBuddyTracking::WindowProc ( UINT message , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
LRESULT read_suc = RI_CreateBuddyTracking_ReadData( lParam, data );
return CDialog::WindowProc( message, wParam, lParam );
void CDlgMFC_CreateBuddyTracking::foo()
LPARAM id = GetUniqueID();
LRESULT sharing_ret = RI_CreateBuddyTracking_WriteData( id, data );