Sends NMEA-Data over RI to the navigation software.
The data sentences "$GPGGA", "$GPRMC" and "$GPVTG" are mandatory.
Be sure that the date in the sentences is correct, because it's needed by some modules. The setences has to be complete, substrings are not supported. Also the NMEA strings must have a correct checksum, overwise they will be discarded.
Don't use this method together with a GPS-Device, the signals would be mixed!
#include "TNSRemoteInterfaceDll.h"
LPARAM GetUniqueID()
static LPARAM id = 0;
if (++id == 0) ++id;
return id;
inline LRESULT RI_MESSAGE( const UINT request, HWND h_client, LPARAM id )
RI_GetTNS(), request, WPARAM(h_client),
id );
LRESULT CDlgMFC_GPSLog::WindowProc ( UINT message , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
return CDialog::WindowProc( message, wParam, lParam );
void CDlgMFC_GPSLog::foo()
LPARAM id = GetUniqueID();