Navigation SDK Documentation

Data Fields
SDK_GPSConfig Struct Reference

Data Fields

const SDK_WCHAR_TpDeviceName
const SDK_WCHAR_TpSimFileName
const SDK_WCHAR_TpLogFileName
SDK_INT4 LogFileFormat
SDK_INT4 baudRate
SDK_UINT4 flags
SDK_BOOL readOnly
const SDK_WCHAR_TpDeviceName2
const SDK_WCHAR_TpSimFileName2
const SDK_WCHAR_TpLogFileName2
SDK_INT4 minDirVelo
union {
   SDK_BOOL   m_bCalcMissing
   SDK_BOOL   bCalcMissing
SDK_BOOL shortTimeExtrapolator
SDK_BOOL useLocationDirectly

Detailed Description

Struct to configure the GPS device.

Examples: To perform a simulation for a combined GPS and TMC log you need to set

To access a TMC device pDeviceName (if using a combined GPS/TMC device) or pDeviceName2 (if using a GPS device in addition to a TMC-only device like FM9 dongle or embedded TMC chip) have to be a string of the following format: "COMx:", where x is a valid integer number (>0).

Field Documentation

Size of struct - for controlling


Version of struct - for controlling. Use SDK_GPSConfigVERSION

const SDK_WCHAR_T* pDeviceName

Name of serial device connected to GPS device. If pSimFileName is specified as non-NULL this entry is ignored. Use the special name L"PASSIVEMODE" and pSimFileName=NULL and GNSTMCDevice=SDK_FALSE to prepare for a user-supplied NMEA data feed.

const SDK_WCHAR_T* pSimFileName

Name of data file with GPS log to be read in. Use NULL to disable simulation.

const SDK_WCHAR_T* pLogFileName

Name of data file where the GPS data is written to. Use NULL to disable logging. Doesn't work for a combined GPS&TMC device yet.

SDK_INT4 LogFileFormat

Logfile format (0 default/MGG proprietary, 3=ASCII)

SDK_INT4 baudRate

Baud rate for serial device (4800 is a common one)

SDK_UINT4 flags

A flag to adjust COM port handling. Use it as bit field with the following semantics: bit 0: called "ICF": if set make the COM port handling more tolerant against certain COM API errors. Advise is to keep this unset unless you experience problems without. bit 1-7: reserved for future implementations

SDK_BOOL readOnly

Open port in read-only mode (usually set to SDK_FALSE)


Set to SDK_TRUE if the device is a combined GNS GPS/TMC device, SDK_FALSE for the vast majority of GPS devices!

const SDK_WCHAR_T* pDeviceName2

Name of 2nd serial device. Used for setups with a GPS receiver as first device, and a TMC receiver (e.g. GNS FM9) as second. Since GNS TMC devices always use 38400 baud there's no baudRate2 field

const SDK_WCHAR_T* pSimFileName2

Name of data file with TMC log to be read in, and another log is being used for GPS. Use NULL to disable simulation.

const SDK_WCHAR_T* pLogFileName2

Name of data file where the TMC data is written to. Use NULL to disable logging.

SDK_INT4 minDirVelo

Minimum velocity [km/h] above which direction information is considered to be reliable

SDK_BOOL m_bCalcMissing
Name deprecated. Use bCalcMissing instead!
SDK_BOOL bCalcMissing

Calculate missing GPS info if the information is available implicitly within the NMEA data stream (e.g. calculate the velocity out of position-only data). Accuracy may be lower than usual.

SDK_BOOL shortTimeExtrapolator

Enable short time extrapolator for getting extrapolated gps results within one second when not getting any gps data

SDK_BOOL useLocationDirectly

Uses locations provided by the interface SDK_SetLocation(const SDK_GPSData*) directly instead of interpreting the nmea stream.

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