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Navigation SDK Documentation |
Description of a maneuver point.
Size of the structure - for controlling
SDK_HDRINFO version |
Version of the structure - for controlling. Use SDK_ManeuverDescriptionVERSION
SDK_Position Pos |
Coordinates of the maneuver
SDK_INT4 DrivingDirection |
[�] [0..360[, 0 is East
SDK_INT4 RoadType |
Road type of road after maneuver [0..14]
SDK_INT4 Category |
Road category of road after maneuver [0..4]
SDK_INT4 CountryID |
Country id. Maybe 0 for some roads due to internal limitations
SDK_INT4 DistFromStart |
Distance from start [m]
SDK_INT4 TimeFromStart |
Time from start [s]
SDK_INT4 TunnelMode |
Usually set to 0. 1 indicates a maneuver inside a tunnel. 2 indicates a maneuver immediately after leaving a tunnel
SDK_BOOL RoundaboutManeuver |
Is it a maneuver related to a round-about?
SDK_BOOL TBaseCrossing |
Is it maneuver at a T-like crossing (i.e. two streets leaving the current street, one about 90 degrees left, one about 90 degrees right)
SDK_INT2 ManeuverType |
a value of type Maneuver types
SDK_INT2 TurnOrient |
a value of type Maneuver directions
SDK_INT2 TurnWeight |
a value of type Maneuver weights
SDK_INT2 ExitNr |
Exit number in a round-about. It counts only for valid/legal exits and counting is in driving direction (i.a. counter-clockwise if driving on RHS (most parts of europe, USA, etc.) and clockwise if driving on LHS (GB, AUS, RSA, etc.)
SDK_INT4 GuidanceKind |
Kind of current guidance as of next menoeuvre. See Guidance modes
SDK_INT4 NextGuidanceKind |
Kind of next guidance as after next maneuver. See Guidance modes
SDK_BOOL Border |
Is maneuver a border
SDK_BOOL EnterFerry |
Is maneuver entering a ferry
SDK_BOOL LeaveFerry |
Is maneuver leaving a ferry
SDK_BOOL HasSignPostInfo |
signpost info is available
SDK_UINT1 JunctionType |
The type of junction this maneuver description belongs to. Possible values are:
SDK_WCHAR_T StreetName[128] |
Street name of segment after passing the maneuver
SDK_SignPostInfo SignPostInfo |
Signpost information, only set, if HasSignPostInfo is SDK_TRUE
© PTV Group 2018 | Generated on Mon Dec 17 2018 21:00:19 for NavigationSDK by ![]() |