SDK_ERROR SDK_API | SDK_GetMetric (SDK_INT4 *pMetric) |
SDK_ERROR SDK_API | SDK_SetMetric (SDK_INT4 metric) |
SDK_ERROR SDK_API | SDK_GetLocalizedUnitName (SDK_INT4 category, SDK_BOOL bigUnit, SDK_WCHAR_T const **unitName) |
SDK_ERROR SDK_API | SDK_GetLocalizedUnitValue (SDK_INT4 category, SDK_BOOL bigUnit, SDK_DOUBLE value, SDK_DOUBLE *localizedValue) |
SDK_ERROR SDK_API | SDK_GetLocalizedDistanceString (SDK_INT4 value, SDK_BOOL quantify, SDK_WCHAR_T **valueString, SDK_BOOL allowNow, SDK_WCHAR_T *nowString, SDK_WCHAR_T decimalSeparator, SDK_BOOL ommitDecimalNull) |
SDK_ERROR SDK_API | SDK_GetLanguage (const SDK_WCHAR_T **ppLanguage) |
SDK_ERROR SDK_API | SDK_SetLanguage (const SDK_WCHAR_T *pLanguage) |
Functions for Localization.
Query the metric used for Navigation/guidance information.
The default metric is SDK_sm_KM
- Parameters
- Returns
- Error code (Errorcodes)
Set the metric Setting the metric is used to calculate values in the standard metric system, in the british unit system or in the us system. A metric can be one of the three types: SDK_sm_KM: use metric system ([m],[km],[t]) SDK_sm_MI: use english system SDK_sm_MI_USA: us system The metric will be automatically used when set for calculating the correct announcement times and for the measure control on the map. Also, the fields RoundedDistToNextManeuver and RoundedDistFromNextToSecondNextManeuver of SDK_NavigationInformation will be returned in the current set metric unit. Attention: All other returned values like speedlimits or distances to maneuvers will not be transformed, they are always delivered in the standard metric system [m]. Transforming these values can be done manually to another metric by using SDK_GetLocalizedDistanceString, SDK_GetLocalizedUnitValue and SDK_GetLocalizedUnitName.
- Bug:
- Currently there is no explicit error code being returned. If the value is invalid then the metric will automatically be set to SDK_sm_KM!
- Parameters
- Returns
- Error code: SDK_ERROR_InvalidParameter if the metric is invalid, SDK_ERROR_Ok else
Query the localized name of the unit defined by the current set metric.
- Parameters
[in] | category | The physical quantity. See Unit categories |
[in] | bigUnit | True, if "big" units (i.e. kilometers, miles) or false, if "small" units (meters, yards, feet) should be used |
[out] | unitName | Will be set to pointer to the name of the selected unit. This memory must not be modified or released. |
- Returns
- Error code (Errorcodes)
Query the transformed and localized value for a given unit and the currently set metric.
Use this to convert from kilometers to miles for example. If the category is SDK_uc_LENGTH, the value is expected in meters. If the category is SDK_uc_HEIGHT, the value is expected in meters. If the category is SDK_uc_VELOCITY, the value is expected in kilometers per hour.
- Parameters
[in] | category | The physical quantity. See Unit categories |
[in] | bigUnit | True, if the localized value should use "big" units (i.e. kilometers, miles) or false, if "small" units (meters, yards, feet) should be used |
[in] | value | The value to transform and localize |
[out] | localizedValue | Will be set to the transformed and localized value |
- Returns
- Error code (Errorcodes)
Query the transformed and localized value as a string for a given unit and the currently set metric.
Use this to convert to other units. The quantify flag is especially useful if you'd like to use streamlined values for displaying on the GUI.
- Parameters
[in] | value | The value to transform and localize |
[in] | quantify | Flag whether the distance should be quantified to a reasonable value for the current set metric |
[out] | valueString | Will be set to the transformed, localized and quantified value string. The memory allocated must be freed by calling SDK_FreeString()! |
[in] | allowNow | allow the function to return the given nowString instead of the distance, used for the now maneuver |
[in] | nowString | the string to return, if allowNow is set and the distance is below or equal the "now" distance |
[in] | decimal | The stadnard '.' decimal separator will be replaced with decimalSeparator if set |
[in] | ommitDecimalNull | if set SDK_TRUE, integral distances are not given as floating value (e.g. 2 km instead of 2.0 km). |
- Returns
- Error code (Errorcodes)
Query the currently used language.
See SDK_SetLanguage about usage of language settings within the Navigation SDK.
- Parameters
[out] | ppLanguage | Pointer to retrieve the language code according to ISO 639-1 (alpha-2). Note that the content of the returned pointer may change (e.g. by calling SDK_SetLanguage()), so one should not keep references around, but copy that string. |
- Returns
- Error code (Errorcodes)
Set the used language.
The language is used for the names of POI layers and the textual representation of TMC messages. The POI layer names will be retrieved from a file called addr.uni which has to reside in the addr path set by SDK_Initialize. This call may take a few seconds if a new language database for TMC has to be loaded. Prior to calling this there is no defined default language!
- Parameters
[in] | pLanguage | Language code according to ISO 639-1 (alpha-2) (e.g. L"de"=German, L"en"=English, L"da"=Danish, L"fr"=French). Use lower-case strings, parsing may be case-sensitive. |
- Returns
- Error code (Errorcodes)