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Navigation SDK Documentation |
Options for routing.
size of the structure - for controlling
SDK_HDRINFO version |
version of the structure - for controlling. Use SDK_RouteOptionsVERSION
SDK_INT4 TimeFactor |
This parameter can be used to set the desired time factor. This factor can be used to influence the weight of distance and duration in the evaluation of routes. If set to 0 the time has no influence and the shortest route is searched. If the factor is set to 100 (%) time is considered as very important so the result is the fastest route prefering motorways and fast by-passes.
SDK_INT4 AltRoute |
This parameter can be used to set the alternative route that should be exported. At the moment 1 alternative route is supported. This default route has to be calculated first! 0 indicates default route, 1 the alternative route
SDK_INT4 AltRouteMalus |
This parameter can be used to set the AltRoutesMalus. This malus makes it possible to influence how greatly the alternative route may deviate from the basic route. Streets that were already be used in the privious routes are considered more "expensive" in subsequent calculations. Not yet implemented
SDK_BOOL RouteWithoutAutoroute |
Flag for controlling whether the route should avoid motorways. This is only supported for routes up to 150km. For longer distances the route may again use motorways.
SDK_BOOL RouteWithoutFerry |
Flag for controlling whether the route should avoid ferries.
SDK_SpeedTable SpeedTable_Calc |
This method can be used to set the desired speed profile for route calculation. RoutingVehicle=SDK_rvUSER has to be specified to make this table become active! These are always scaled in steps of three speeds (fast, medium and slow) for motorways, national, country, urban, access roads and ferries. The values are in km/h independently of the option UseMetricSystem. Users should avoid using modified speedtables if possible!
SDK_SpeedTable SpeedTable_RouteList |
This method can be used to set the desired speed profile for the route list (calculation of times). RoutingVehicle=SDK_rvUSER has to be specified to make this table become active! These are always scaled in steps of three speeds (fast, medium and slow) for motorways, national, country, urban, access roads and ferries. The values are in km/h. (independent of the option UseMetricSystem!) Users should avoid using modified speedtables if possible!
SDK_INT4 UTurnMalus |
This parameter allows to control the handling of U-turns during the route-calculation. The value specifies, how much longer an alternative way without U-turn can be, before the shorter way with a U-turn is used. Allowed values range from 0 to 50000 seconds as impact for the route with U-turn.
SDK_INT4 RoutingVehicle |
Vehicle Type. See List of routing vehicles
SDK_INT4 MatchDistStart |
Distance for road matching at the start [Mercator units]. Mercator units for central europe are 1-2m; for a detailled conversion please use SDK_TransformCoordinates
SDK_INT4 MatchDistDestination |
Distance for road matching at the destination [Mercator units]. Mercator units for central europe are 1-2m; for a detailled conversion please use SDK_TransformCoordinates
SDK_BOOL AvoidFerryOnStart |
If SDK_TRUE don't link to ferries on start. May be useful if the start is in an offroad position.
SDK_BOOL AvoidFerryOnDestination |
If SDK_TRUE don't link to ferries on destination. May be useful if the destination is in an offroad position.
SDK_BOOL AvoidMotorwayOnStart |
If SDK_TRUE don't link to motorways on start. May be useful if the start is in an offroad position.
SDK_BOOL AvoidMotorwayOnDestination |
If SDK_TRUE don't link to motorways on destination. May be useful if the destination is in an offroad position.
SDK_BOOL bAvoidTunnelOnStart |
If SDK_TRUE don't link to tunnels on start. May be useful if the start is in an offroad position.
SDK_BOOL bAvoidTunnelOnDestination |
If SDK_TRUE don't link to tunnels on destination. May be useful if the destination is in an offroad position.
SDK_BOOL bAvoidPedestrianZoneOnStart |
If SDK_TRUE don't link to Segments in pedestrianzones on start
SDK_BOOL bAvoidPedestrianZoneOnDestination |
If SDK_TRUE don't link to segments in pedestrianzones on destination
SDK_BOOL bPedestrianRoutingFromStart |
If SDK_TRUE the route leads to the nearest Segment outside the pedestrian zone an a trace through the pedestrian zone is added to the route. In the pedastrian zone itself will be no guidance! Does not work with bAvoidPedestrianZoneOnDestination == true!
SDK_BOOL bPedestrianRoutingToDestination |
If SDK_TRUE the route leads to the nearest Segment outside the pedestrian zone an a trace through the pedestrian zone is added to the route. In the pedastrian zone itself will be no guidance! Does not work with bAvoidPedestrianZoneOnDestination == true!
SDK_BOOL bPremisesRouting |
If SDK_TRUE, it's possible to route through gates of premises at start and target.
SDK_BOOL bViolateLorryRescrictions |
If SDK_TRUE, it's possible to ignore LorryRestrictions at start and target.
SDK_BOOL Lorry |
Set lorry restrictions which should be taken into consideration during route calculation.
SDK_BOOL bNiceTransit |
If set to SDK_TRUE a cross map routing will use detail level maps in transit countries if available. Otherwise it will only use the MR map which reduces the memory impact and reduces time for route calculation.
SDK_BOOL bForceMRRouting |
If set to SDK_TRUE a cross map routing will be formed even if start and destination are within the same map. Otherwise it will only use the local map which reduces the memory impact and reduces time for route calculation.
SDK_BOOL bUseRRTLayers |
If set to SDKK_TRUE then .rrt layers will be evaluated for route calculation. Default is SDK_TRUE.
SDK_INT1 ClassOfDangerousGoods |
Class of dangerous goods. May be 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'.
A means no restrictions B means restrictions B,C,D,E are considered C means restrictions C,D,E are considered D means restrictions D,E are considered E means restriction E is considered
SDK_BOOL bUseTollLayer |
If set to SDK_TRUE then layers with toll (.lot) will be evaluated for route calculation. Default is SDK_FALSE.
SDK_UINT4 TollFactor |
The factor is to be understood as % additional charge of cost of a segments with toll. Default is 150.
SDK_BOOL bUseTruckTollLayer |
If set to SDK_TRUE then layers with trucktoll (.etx) will be evaluated for route calculation. Default is SDK_FALSE.
SDK_UINT4 TruckTollFactor |
The factor is to be understood as % additional charge of cost of a segments with trucktoll. Default is 100.
SDK_INT4 AmountIgnoredTiles |
count of tiles in the start/target zone
SDK_UINT1 AdditionalCostFactorRestrictionArea |
additional costs in % for ignored truck segments in start/target zone (max 256)
SDK_BOOL bOpenGenerelRestrictions |
ignore generell truck restriction in the start/target zone
SDK_BOOL bOpenGenerelRestrictionsAndWeight |
ignore generell and weight truck restrictions in the start/target zone
SDK_BOOL bOpenDeliveryRestrictions |
ignore restrictions with residential or delivery flag
SDK_UINT4 TrafficFactor |
The factor is to be understood as a switch to turn on and off the traffic consideration while calculating a route. 0 means do not consider traffic while route calculation, > 0 means consider it
SDK_INT4 RouteCalculationType |
Route calculation type, like standard or with alternatives. See Route calculation types
© PTV Group 2018 | Generated on Mon Dec 17 2018 21:00:22 for NavigationSDK by ![]() |